Archive for the ‘Jubelee’ Tag

Conversation with the Grand Dictator of the 1613 Nation   Leave a comment

"The writers against religion, whilst the...

Image via Wikipedia

From a “masonic forum”:

Grand Dictator: It is my sincere hope that with the correct information in black and white that those who have wrongly accused us of actions to the contrary of our actual positions start to issue us formal apologies.

Jubela: Um, okay. I saw no accusations, but okay. I think you might prove those alleged accusations wrong, or even identify the alleged accusations so they might be scrutinized, before expecting formal apologies.

Grand Dictator: I am pretty sure I would be aware of what allegations are out there. If anything I am very observant. Those who have accused us of wrong doing without merit know who they are. I am not going to hold my breath for them to do the right thing. Even though it would be the Masonic thing for them to do.

Jubela: Perhaps allegations like someone made against me regarding prescription drugs purportedly stolen by my mother? That type of allegation? I never thought of it, but that could be considered libel as it is definitely not true and can be proven as such. Hmmm, perhaps I can start a libel suit myself. In fact, I think I might look into it.

Grand Dictator: Any day I could meet you in court would be a great one for me.

Jubela: Let’s not make it personal, though I readily anticipate such a meeting. I have every confidence justice would be served.

Grand Dictator: Get it done Jubela, you know where to find me. You’re a bully, I won’t back down from your attempts at intimidation. I never have.

Jubela: You’re the bully, Dictator; I can show a plethora of threats made by you against myself and others. I won’t back down from your attempts at intimidation like these humorous and empty threats at litigation and earlier at physical violence. Never have, and never will.

Grand Dictator: I never brought up litigation you cunt. Paranoid much?

Jubela: Paranoid of you? Not at all.

Jubelo: Impressive, Dictator. I hope you don’t eat with that foul mouth.

Jubelum: Nice, Dictator.

Grand Dictator: Thanks for the endorsement, Jubelum.

Jubelum: No problem but you really don’t need an endorsement from me. You seem to be doing very well all by yourself. Real classy dude.

Grand Dictator: Glad to see you haven’t lost your ability to see both sides of an issue. God forbid. As my dear friend Stacey Kubyn says “bad, and getting worse all the time.” You are right Jubelum, I don’t need you now and I never have. But thanks for the support anyway.

Jubelee: I cannot believe this would appear on a Masonic board by a person claiming to be a Mason. I know this board has a reputation for tolerance, but is there not a line crossed at some point?

Jubelo: Indeed; it’s called a “new low”. Is this the “level” for the “1613 Nation”?

Grand Dictator: Not sure, ask the SROTN. You’re an SROTN member right? You are a faceless troll so my feelings won’t get too hurt.

Jubelo: That’s just my avatar; relax. Increase your meds. LOL, I see that this “SROTN” has a “Gestapo Police Turkey vulture”, and that, “The Shemihaza Rite of the Nephilim is a Dadaesque pre-Abrahamaic Matriarchal Pantheistic Whiskey Cult wrapped up in arcane meta-knowledge.” ROTFLMAO! I’m just dying to know what the “antediluvian arch enemy” Skeksis is; sounds pretty fearsome.

Jubelee: The famous philosopher, Edmund Burke, said, “There comes a time when forbearance ceases to be a virtue.” Or words to that effect. In my humble opinion, that time has been reached with this Dictator. Excuse my redundancy, but I just can’t fathom that one claiming to be a Mason would write such things. I don’t know who you are referring to as an “SROTN” member, Jubelo or me, but I do not know what “SROTN” is. So no, I am not a “SROTN” member. whatever that is.

Grand Dictator: It’s not my fault if you can’t figure things out.

Jubelee: I am what I am and you are what you are, and that won’t be hard for others to figure out after your posts. I am no longer going to lower myself to responding to you as this is the closest I have ever come to a personal attack on any Masonic board, and for that I apologize to the administrators and other members of this board, but see my previous quote re Edmund Burke.

Grand Dictator: Yep, no worries at all. Good luck to ya.

Jubelum: Is this productive? I guess it could be seen as productive depending upon what one is attempting to accomplish. What is your purpose with the low-rent statements thrown out on a public forum?Grand Dictator: The productivity for you is for you to decide, Jubelum. You must see something productive about it as you are obviously compelled to continue. Perhaps you are totally cool with being insulted and you can take all day long, right as rain. As for myself there is only so much of the s*&% sandwich I will choose to eat. That’s the thing, bullies on these forums always feel that they are able to get away with pushing their weight around. I’m no dummy when it comes to these venues. It is never about what is said but who is saying it. Nothing new really. SSDD. Thanks again for your support.

Jubelum: What is it exactly that tripped your trigger?

Grand Dictator: You can read, Jubelum, I know you’re not lazy. Seems that you missed many of Jubela’s comments that where deleted, not that it would matter much to you any way. I suspect.

Jubeling: Seriously… If that’s not worth a lifetime ban, then I don’t know what is. How do the female co-masons feel about that comment? What would Emily think? Have you portrayed your order in a positive light? (Although the way things work around here, I’ll probably get banned for criticizing him, and he’ll just keep spewing offensive bile like this for years to come). Dude, sometimes it’s best not to post after you’ve been drinking!

Grand Dictator: Want to know what Emily thinks, ask her. It seems that you have the ability to type, I am sure you can get that accomplished. Haven’t been drinking but thanks for the advise anyway. I can never get enough advise for anonymous trolls these days. I realized I didn’t include Emily’s email address. Sorry for the rude oversight, I apologize.

Jubeling: So you use that kind of language sober in mixed company… Good for you! I bet the ladies really dig that. You’re a real role model for us all! Do you speak like that in Church too?

Grand Dictator: Wanna get together for some coffee and find out? I’m game, just let me know. FYI: I don’t go to church, haven’t set foot in one since 2003. I’ve already come to grips with the fact that I won’t ever be the role model set up for us all by the Jubeling, anonymous troll #436. What else would you like to know?

Jubeling: I guess the real question on everyone’s mind is: are the moderators going to ban this loser, or are we all allowed to start throwing around the “C” word?

Grand Dictator: Would you like some cheese with that whine? Got some excellent Caciocavallo Podolico.

Jubeling: YAWN! Moderators, please deal with this.

Jubezita: As a Co-Mason and a lady – I am just really saddened by this behaviour.

Grand Dictator: No offense Jubezita, but I would expect someone who had a gun to their head and survived to but cut from tougher cloth. Can’t say I don’t treat my fans well. Even annon-trolls with less than 20 posts.

Jubeling: You sniveling little turd! Why can’t you be a man and apologize to the ladies here? Dude, your behaviour is utterly reprehensible. And it’s not atypical for you. Here we go again…

Grand Dictator: Now that ladies and gentlemen is the shining prototypical textbook example of stand up Masonic behavior. A round of applause for my latest groupie. Where should I send my autographed picture? Seriously, if you loathe me so much why not go on the 90% of Masonic boards that I am not on? You’re here for a reason. All of your posts on this boards have been complaints. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you thrive on negativity. But my invitation to coffee still stands, for what it’s worth.

Jubeling: How about that apology? You can’t bring yourself to do it, can you? You’re the one throwing around the “c” word. You deserve what you get…

Grand Dictator: Believe me Jubeling, there is nothing a annon-troll like you can do to me that I can’t take. I’ve been livin’ in hater’s heads rent free-since 2006. BTW: Your little temper tantrum isn’t coming across as genuine. perhaps you need more troll training? Can’t hurt.