Archive for June 2010

Conversation with the Grand Dictator of the 1613 Nation   Leave a comment

"The writers against religion, whilst the...

Image via Wikipedia

From a “masonic forum”:

Grand Dictator: It is my sincere hope that with the correct information in black and white that those who have wrongly accused us of actions to the contrary of our actual positions start to issue us formal apologies.

Jubela: Um, okay. I saw no accusations, but okay. I think you might prove those alleged accusations wrong, or even identify the alleged accusations so they might be scrutinized, before expecting formal apologies.

Grand Dictator: I am pretty sure I would be aware of what allegations are out there. If anything I am very observant. Those who have accused us of wrong doing without merit know who they are. I am not going to hold my breath for them to do the right thing. Even though it would be the Masonic thing for them to do.

Jubela: Perhaps allegations like someone made against me regarding prescription drugs purportedly stolen by my mother? That type of allegation? I never thought of it, but that could be considered libel as it is definitely not true and can be proven as such. Hmmm, perhaps I can start a libel suit myself. In fact, I think I might look into it.

Grand Dictator: Any day I could meet you in court would be a great one for me.

Jubela: Let’s not make it personal, though I readily anticipate such a meeting. I have every confidence justice would be served.

Grand Dictator: Get it done Jubela, you know where to find me. You’re a bully, I won’t back down from your attempts at intimidation. I never have.

Jubela: You’re the bully, Dictator; I can show a plethora of threats made by you against myself and others. I won’t back down from your attempts at intimidation like these humorous and empty threats at litigation and earlier at physical violence. Never have, and never will.

Grand Dictator: I never brought up litigation you cunt. Paranoid much?

Jubela: Paranoid of you? Not at all.

Jubelo: Impressive, Dictator. I hope you don’t eat with that foul mouth.

Jubelum: Nice, Dictator.

Grand Dictator: Thanks for the endorsement, Jubelum.

Jubelum: No problem but you really don’t need an endorsement from me. You seem to be doing very well all by yourself. Real classy dude.

Grand Dictator: Glad to see you haven’t lost your ability to see both sides of an issue. God forbid. As my dear friend Stacey Kubyn says “bad, and getting worse all the time.” You are right Jubelum, I don’t need you now and I never have. But thanks for the support anyway.

Jubelee: I cannot believe this would appear on a Masonic board by a person claiming to be a Mason. I know this board has a reputation for tolerance, but is there not a line crossed at some point?

Jubelo: Indeed; it’s called a “new low”. Is this the “level” for the “1613 Nation”?

Grand Dictator: Not sure, ask the SROTN. You’re an SROTN member right? You are a faceless troll so my feelings won’t get too hurt.

Jubelo: That’s just my avatar; relax. Increase your meds. LOL, I see that this “SROTN” has a “Gestapo Police Turkey vulture”, and that, “The Shemihaza Rite of the Nephilim is a Dadaesque pre-Abrahamaic Matriarchal Pantheistic Whiskey Cult wrapped up in arcane meta-knowledge.” ROTFLMAO! I’m just dying to know what the “antediluvian arch enemy” Skeksis is; sounds pretty fearsome.

Jubelee: The famous philosopher, Edmund Burke, said, “There comes a time when forbearance ceases to be a virtue.” Or words to that effect. In my humble opinion, that time has been reached with this Dictator. Excuse my redundancy, but I just can’t fathom that one claiming to be a Mason would write such things. I don’t know who you are referring to as an “SROTN” member, Jubelo or me, but I do not know what “SROTN” is. So no, I am not a “SROTN” member. whatever that is.

Grand Dictator: It’s not my fault if you can’t figure things out.

Jubelee: I am what I am and you are what you are, and that won’t be hard for others to figure out after your posts. I am no longer going to lower myself to responding to you as this is the closest I have ever come to a personal attack on any Masonic board, and for that I apologize to the administrators and other members of this board, but see my previous quote re Edmund Burke.

Grand Dictator: Yep, no worries at all. Good luck to ya.

Jubelum: Is this productive? I guess it could be seen as productive depending upon what one is attempting to accomplish. What is your purpose with the low-rent statements thrown out on a public forum?Grand Dictator: The productivity for you is for you to decide, Jubelum. You must see something productive about it as you are obviously compelled to continue. Perhaps you are totally cool with being insulted and you can take all day long, right as rain. As for myself there is only so much of the s*&% sandwich I will choose to eat. That’s the thing, bullies on these forums always feel that they are able to get away with pushing their weight around. I’m no dummy when it comes to these venues. It is never about what is said but who is saying it. Nothing new really. SSDD. Thanks again for your support.

Jubelum: What is it exactly that tripped your trigger?

Grand Dictator: You can read, Jubelum, I know you’re not lazy. Seems that you missed many of Jubela’s comments that where deleted, not that it would matter much to you any way. I suspect.

Jubeling: Seriously… If that’s not worth a lifetime ban, then I don’t know what is. How do the female co-masons feel about that comment? What would Emily think? Have you portrayed your order in a positive light? (Although the way things work around here, I’ll probably get banned for criticizing him, and he’ll just keep spewing offensive bile like this for years to come). Dude, sometimes it’s best not to post after you’ve been drinking!

Grand Dictator: Want to know what Emily thinks, ask her. It seems that you have the ability to type, I am sure you can get that accomplished. Haven’t been drinking but thanks for the advise anyway. I can never get enough advise for anonymous trolls these days. I realized I didn’t include Emily’s email address. Sorry for the rude oversight, I apologize.

Jubeling: So you use that kind of language sober in mixed company… Good for you! I bet the ladies really dig that. You’re a real role model for us all! Do you speak like that in Church too?

Grand Dictator: Wanna get together for some coffee and find out? I’m game, just let me know. FYI: I don’t go to church, haven’t set foot in one since 2003. I’ve already come to grips with the fact that I won’t ever be the role model set up for us all by the Jubeling, anonymous troll #436. What else would you like to know?

Jubeling: I guess the real question on everyone’s mind is: are the moderators going to ban this loser, or are we all allowed to start throwing around the “C” word?

Grand Dictator: Would you like some cheese with that whine? Got some excellent Caciocavallo Podolico.

Jubeling: YAWN! Moderators, please deal with this.

Jubezita: As a Co-Mason and a lady – I am just really saddened by this behaviour.

Grand Dictator: No offense Jubezita, but I would expect someone who had a gun to their head and survived to but cut from tougher cloth. Can’t say I don’t treat my fans well. Even annon-trolls with less than 20 posts.

Jubeling: You sniveling little turd! Why can’t you be a man and apologize to the ladies here? Dude, your behaviour is utterly reprehensible. And it’s not atypical for you. Here we go again…

Grand Dictator: Now that ladies and gentlemen is the shining prototypical textbook example of stand up Masonic behavior. A round of applause for my latest groupie. Where should I send my autographed picture? Seriously, if you loathe me so much why not go on the 90% of Masonic boards that I am not on? You’re here for a reason. All of your posts on this boards have been complaints. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you thrive on negativity. But my invitation to coffee still stands, for what it’s worth.

Jubeling: How about that apology? You can’t bring yourself to do it, can you? You’re the one throwing around the “c” word. You deserve what you get…

Grand Dictator: Believe me Jubeling, there is nothing a annon-troll like you can do to me that I can’t take. I’ve been livin’ in hater’s heads rent free-since 2006. BTW: Your little temper tantrum isn’t coming across as genuine. perhaps you need more troll training? Can’t hurt.

Rectified 1613 Nation accused of being Bogus   Leave a comment

The Facebook Man. Facebook is celebrating its ...

A Canadian Douchebag

The New Rectified 1613 Nation has been accused of being a “bogus” outfit. One wonders if this means that they are are considered “irregular” by the 1613 Nation.

Reposted from “Facebook”:

WMLodgeCircumspect: WARNING: there are “lodges” popping up using 1613 and words like post modern..If they are NOT on the official web site they Are BOGUS

P.d. Black: The douchebag behind this shit is Canadian. Wonder if he has a flapping head?

Dick Tater is exposed in Belgium as creating “fake masonry”   Leave a comment

Memorial of the Nazi concentration camp Esterw...

Memorial of the Nazi concentration camp Esterwegen for the Masonic Lodge Liberté chérie

The 1613 Nation Dictator has created a big stink over in Europe regarding “Lodge Stalag 1613″:

Le Blog Maçonique avait dénoncé le 6 juin 2010 cette grossière initiative de création de Loges “bidon”, avec, notamment, le cas de l’une d’elles qui usurpait le nom de la Loge Liberté Chérie créée dans un camp de concentration par des prisonniers, Francs-Maçons belges.

Derrière cette entreprise délirante, un Américain, un certain Brad Cofield de Seattle, désigné par certains spécialistes comme un très intéressant specimen de la “fake masonry”. Epinglé par le Blog Maçonnique, celui-ci a souhaité en discuter de manière fraternelle (!). Notre réponse a été on ne peut plus claire : La création de fausses loges est une honte. Usurper le nom d’une Loge héroïque, Liberté chérie, est un scandale

Ce à quoi le sieur Cofield – son parcours lui dénie la qualité de Frère – a notamment répondu : Vous pouvez raconter ce que vous voulez. Le fait est que nous avons le droit de former ce que nous voulons. La Franc-Maçonnerie n’appartient pas à une seule organisation.

S’il peut exister des différences entre certaines formes de Franc-Maçonnerie (notamment en ce qui concerne l’obligation de croire en un dieu révélé), il ne faudrait pour autant pas aboutir à un certain “relativisme maçonnique” qui ferait que n’importe quelle initiative qui se dirait maçonnique devrait “fraternellement” être reconnue comme telle. Nous dénions donc à ces “machins” la qualité maçonnique.

Depuis notre article, les loges fantômes Constant Chevillon et Liberté chérie ont enlevé leurs adresses postales de leurs sites.

La vraie Loge Liberté Chérie est particulièrement chère au coeur des Francs-Maçons belges puisque cette Loge symbolise la résistane face à l’oppression. Elle a été fondée en 1943 par 7 Francs-Maçons belges, déportés comme résistants, au camp de concentration Emslandlager VII d’Esterwegen. Elle cessa ses Travaux en 1944. 6 des 7 fondateurs moururent avant la Libération.Or un visiteur du Blog Maçonnique nous signale l’existence du pseudo-Loge Liberté Chérie ( sur le web (avec une adresse de contact à “Olen”, en réalité Olne). Celle-ci utilise le sceau de la Loge en y ajoutant divers symboles (dont le sceau de Salomon) et la mention 1613 Nation. Ce site est réalisé dans un très mauvais français.

Ce site web établit un lien avec 1613 Loges rassemblant une prétendue Post-Modern Freemasonry. Le manifesto de ces révolutionnaires qui veulent réformer la Franc-Maçonnerie est en ligne.

Le site web de 1613 Nation publie une liste de ses Loges dont une Lodge Napoleon Bonaparte, une Lodge Circumspect à Bayonne, une Loge Constant-Chevillon à Croisilles dans le Calvados (et travaillant au Rite Moderne Français!).

Derrière ces sites, un certain Frater Raum Sariel ou plutôt Brad Cofield connu pour créer de nombreuses et fantaistes organisations pseudo-maçonniques selon le site Masonic Info. Toujours selon ce site Masonic Info géré par Ed King, Brad Cofield. Apparemment, suite à un “conflit”, Cofield s’est vu refuser l’Elévation à la Maîtrise. Il aurait ensuite empoisonné de nombreux forums en intervenant sous son nom ou divers pseudonymes comme Magnus Masonica.

Cofield est membre de la M.E.A.P.R.M.M. (Egyptian Freemasonry of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm) de Frank Ripel. Sur le site de cette nième organisation égyptienne, Cofield apparaît comme représentant international chargé des relations avec les délégations nationales de langue anglaise. Le site de ce MEAPRMM rend hommage à Licio Gelli, connu pour son implication dans le scandale de la “Loge” Propaganda 2 (P2). Cf. version française.

Brad Cofield est également présent sur Facebook où il a de nombreux “amis” (certains d’ailleurs communs avec l’auteur de ces lignes!).

(merci à Geoffrey pour cette info)

Lodge Eddie Munster   Leave a comment

Lodge Eddie Munster was formed from a splinter group of Lodge Vlad Dracul.

Lodge Eddie Munster came into existence when a long standing member of Lodge Vlad Dracul, Worshipful Butch Patrick (no relation), became disillusioned with the way the of the Draconian Emulation Ritual was being worked.

When Lodge Vlad Dracul was first thought into existence the then Bro. Butch Patrick left his Father Lodge, Lodge Fred Gwynne, and joined Lodge Vlad Dracul immediately. He felt instinctively that a Draconian Lodge was the right place for him to be.

As Bro Patrick was working through the officer’s coffins he began to sence that something was not right.  Our illustrious leader was able to ascertain from his personal family history that portions of the Draconian Ritual were being, at worst,  ignored or, at best, forgotten.

Many of the blood ceremonies were being left out  or “watered down” and the traditional penalties of being banished to the dragon’s liar under the stairs was removed entirely from the initiation ceremony. There was also the concern with the small size of the Lodgerooms averaging 78? long, 22 ½” wide and 14 ½” deep – just too small to party hard.

This is when Bro. Butch Patrick  decided that he new how to  ”do it right”, and in the great tradition of the Rectified 1613 Nation he rejected the ideas of all of those who had gone before him and opened this great 1613 Lodge as his namesake.

Once he had installed himself as the Most Very Worshipful Grand Vamp he made the following improvements to the Draconian Emulation Ritual in a new Ritual he has coined the Vampiral Emulation Ritual:

  • We work strictly in the Cryptic Rite (allowing for larger meetings)
  • The Dragorian penalies have been restored – Spot is very happy
  • As an operative Vampiral Freemasons the blood ceremonies are now being practiced with the real blood of has-been child actors.
  • Every member now carries a “Wolf Wolf” doll to every meeting

The main goal now of Lodge Eddie Munster is to obtain the skull of Gary Coleman for the blood drinking ceremony and the entire skeleton of Micheal Jackson for – well for fun really.  Once we have obtained these Lodge Eddie Munster will be complete.

Lodge Ninja   Leave a comment

Based on an inspired interpretation of David Miller’s seminal book, The Tao of Bruce Lee, combined with the principles of the New Reconstituted 1613 Nation Manifesto, Lodge Ninja 1613 is a fraternity of bad-ass dudes who could kill you in the blink of an eye if they wanted to. We are comprised of a worldwide membership of invisible Ninja Assassins with immense physical stamina and acute mental powers that make average people seem like total wimps in comparison.

WM Lodge Ninja

Ninjas are everywhere and nowhere, ready to strike a lethal blow at a moment’s notice on any unsuspecting profane who gets in our way.

We are an eclectic group. We count Occultists, Clergy, Atheists and “everyday Ninjas” amongst us. Members are known to take themselves very seriously, but we are not slaves to it. We recognize and embrace that we have our own minds and ideas.

We also embrace numerous charitable causes. Last year, our annual Corn Roast raised over $800 for the “Pennies for Puppies” campaign — a charity that spays and neuters stray dogs in the third world to prevent overpopulation. We also donated over 1,000 awesome carbon steel Katanas with double-sided blood grooves, (along with matching nunchucks and throwing stars) to disadvantaged children in inner city schools. (That didn’t turn out so well, so that program has been suspended pending review).

Please note: Candidates for Ninja Lodge 1613 must be able to fight their way past two armed guards blindfolded using nothing but their bare hands and their immense powers of deception.

Transparent Information   Leave a comment

There is a Lodge 1613 and it is not what he says:

  • We are clear that we are independent, self-made in masonry.
  • We make no bones about it that we are recognized.
  • We do not contradict illusions.
  • We are committed to an occult form of masonry.
  • We trace genealogy in the foundation or the Post-modern wall in 2009.

No longer. This is represented, so that everyone in every Lodge in the nation clearly shows the date as “2009″. We are Masons in the 21 century, totally unapologetic about it.

No Lodge pays a cent and the 1613 member can go check our Nation. No checks had been written in 1613. We as a nation get support for free. Our interest accrues to build a global community, not to have money.

1613 is in part MEAPRMM and in any response you read you can see this.

With the issue of full access to partial information that has been a hot topic.

Hope this was helpful.

An Open Letter   Leave a comment

Goose & Gridiron in London - First Grand Lodge

Goose & Gridiron Alleyway

We hereby submit the following legal argument for why the Neo-Post-Modern Movement is entirely within its rights to organize its own 1613 Lodges without approval from the Dictator.

Under the Manifesto, (which lays out the guiding principles of the 1613 Nation), we cite sections 1, 3, 5, and 6 of the “Ten Point Program of the Post-Modern Freemason” to justify our claim to validity.

Section 1.) “Dedication to both lodge and individual Masonic empowerment.”

This clearly gives us the right to form 1613 Nation Lodges at will. It was never the intention of the authors of the Manifesto that power should be concentrated in one individual or even a “Supreme Council” which is clearly indicated in numerous places in the document, including, (but not limited to):

Para. 1: “Our members are who matter not some far away “supreme council” or dictatorial oligarchy. We maintain the right of self determination. Empowerment is the new order of the day.”

Also see:

Para. 25: “…Everyone is just as important as everyone else. We are not based upon the ego or agenda of one person or a select group of people.”

Section 3.) “Abolition of the regressive policies found within Freemasonry such a hierarchical grand lodge system. … To Abolish outdated best practices such as recognition based organizational criteria.”

By telling us that we are not allowed to form our own 1613 Nation Lodges, the Dictator has imposed a de-facto recognition criteria. But what is even more troubling is that these criteria seem to be based on the mere whim of the Dictator. They are not codified or written down. They have not been approved by the membership in a transparent voting process. This runs counter to everything the 1613 Nation stands for.

Section 5.) The encouragement of the creation and implementation of new Rites and rituals.

The fact that rites developed by the New Reconstituted 1613 are being discriminated against and repressed runs counter to the letter and the spirit of this directive. The fact that the very existence of these rites is being concealed from the membership runs counter to the intentions of section #4) “We feel it is a crime that Rites be locked away as if in a museum or some perverse literary zoo.”

Section 6.) Dedication to overall experimentation.

The Dictator’s refusal to recognize Neo-Post-Modern Freemasonry clearly runs counter to the imperative of section 6, “dedication to overall experimentation.”

Based on these grounds, we formally request a fair hearing before other members of the 1613 Nation before being condemned as “irregular.” Is that not a fundamental human right?

We also request, in the interests of fairness, that the Dictator recuse himself from this case.


WM Lodge Pindar

Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry explained   Leave a comment

Freemasonry is a labor of love.

Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry is an example of the action concept. The whole idea from day one was to be able to practice what we love, what we do without love –power mad demigogs–screwing it all up.  Milk out the joy of it.

It is someone that passion; it is not paying the bill. Have too many of us to deal with someone that too much hassle and jobs, with the government, what schools have you? Who needs all of the drama associated with what is supposed to make you smile? A lot of people actually, just none of us.

So, to make a long story, not so long a few of us decided to get together and do our lives own thing. We decided that what has been created in the the 1700s and Freemasons 1800s that tend to latch on to like a starving man on a cracker is all just public domain anyway. If we want to work it is certainly that work avalible. At the same time, if we want to do something totally new then we can do that to.

Look out.

Ok, ok so what is Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry?

Find out. Cut to the Chase mankind.

Here’s to a nutshell.

First of all it is always changing.

What happens is we get a idea in the head and someone that we vote on it. If we impliment then approved it. If it works we do it, if it is not we try something else. Just like in software. Neo Post-Modern freemasonry Freemasonry is like 2.5.1. We are all pretty bright people and for the most part we initiatics have been at this thing for a while now. Haters keep telling us that some awful things will happen because we “were pretty rude” but so far nothing has even lost a pinky. So if you want to be a Neo Post-Modern Freemason you can put some things in mind.  First you have to be down on humans. This is a big one because we accept genders, all religions and no religons. Straight, gay and TG. We just want good, intelligent, sincere people who can handle life, love what we do and take it from the lodge room and the real world. If all you want to do is smoke some buds to get away from the wife and kids a few times a month Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry is not for you.

Second, you have to have skin as a virtual box just like a horny rhino. We do not follow the rules set up people who do not have our best interests in mind and who the policy we do not want anyway.  It makes a lot of “Masons” very mad. Mad people mean things.

Third, you have to be a candidate. I mean really hidden mysteries of life, the universe and everything like that. Although we try to make things as easy as we can to grasp this is some heavy duty stuff we are dealing with here. Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry is a grab-bag of all sorts of mysterious tradition. You got a little bit of tightly magic and philosophy here, you have a small Hellenistic Paganism there, you have a lot of Kabbalah everywhere. That’s just for starters. So if you are not in any of this stuff, Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry just will not be a super cup of tea.

Now, let’s get down to answering some of those pesky critters. As much as we hate doing this it’s a fact of life. Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry is ancient, or even aged. In fact it is the concept that still has a new car smell. Some of the things we deal with are pretty odd. We do not claim that we are the direct descendant of anything from the days of powdered wigs and wooden teeth.

Neo Post-Modern Freemasonry is not beholden to Neo Postmoderism anymore. Antient Freemasonry is beholden to Antienity. One would think that it is easy enough to grasp a concept but it seems to be an galis we keep having to fire. Neo Post-Modern just means “new after the modern things and stuff”. It is appropriate by definition because we did not want to have any confusion with any body that we are not affiliated with who identify themselves as 1613 Nations. “Dictators”. We are all about information, correct information, disinformation, misinformation, so why do not we recognize what we take from others?

Neo Post-Modern Lodges were created to own lodges. This way we really are pretty damned clever and funny, just no one wants to admit this one. Our lodge lodges formed friends and someone that formed the good old fashioned way. Some other people decided to put a ton of elbow grease whoop there it is. Like the Little Green Dragon Tavern Men. We shower more often.